Pleco Papa (LDA 065 / L203)


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The Pleco Papa, also known by its scientific designations LDA 065 or L203, is a species of plecostomus found in the rivers of South America, primarily in Brazil. This pleco is a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts due to its unique and striking appearance, with bold black and white patterns. It is known for its calm temperament, making it a great addition to a community tank. As a bottom-dwelling fish, it is also beneficial in keeping aquariums clean by eating algae and detritus.

Tank Requirements

  • Tank Size:
    • A minimum of 30 gallons is recommended for a single Pleco Papa. If keeping a group, a 40-gallon or larger tank would be ideal.
    • They can grow to around 6–8 inches (15–20 cm), so a spacious tank is required to accommodate their size and activity.
  • Tank Setup:
    • Fine sand or smooth gravel substrate is ideal to prevent damage to their sensitive barbels.
    • Provide plenty of hiding spots using rocks, driftwood, caves, and plants. Plecos enjoy having shelter where they can retreat and feel secure.
    • Aquatic plants should be sturdy, as plecos may occasionally graze on them.
  • Lighting: Moderate lighting; they don’t require bright lights and prefer a more subdued environment.
  • Water Flow: Moderate to strong flow is preferred. They naturally inhabit fast-moving rivers and streams, so they enjoy tanks with some water movement.

Water Parameters

  • Temperature: 74–80°F (23–27°C)
  • pH: 6.5–7.5 (slightly acidic to neutral)
  • Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2–12 dGH)
  • Ammonia/Nitrite: 0 ppm; nitrates should be kept below 20 ppm.
  • Water Changes: Regular water changes (20–30% weekly) are essential to maintain water quality, as plecos can produce a significant amount of waste.


Pleco Papa is primarily herbivorous, but it is also an opportunistic scavenger:

  • Staple Foods:
    • High-quality algae wafers or sinking pellets formulated for plecos.
  • Live/Frozen Foods:
    • Occasionally offer frozen or live foods such as bloodworms or brine shrimp as a treat.
  • Vegetables:
    • Offer blanched zucchini, cucumber, or spinach.
  • Feeding Schedule: Feed 2–3 times a week, offering small amounts that can be consumed in a few minutes.

Note: Although Pleco Papa is an algae eater, it is important to supplement its diet with other foods, as algae alone does not provide all the necessary nutrients for their health.

Behavior and Compatibility

  • Temperament:
    • Pleco Papa is a peaceful and solitary fish, especially as it matures. They are primarily nocturnal, and while they are not aggressive, they may become territorial, particularly in smaller tanks.
  • Tankmates:
    • Compatible with other peaceful, medium-to-large fish, such as tetras, peaceful cichlids, and other plecos.
    • Avoid housing with smaller fish that might be intimidated by the pleco’s size, and avoid aggressive fish that may cause stress.
    • They are best kept with fish that do not compete for food at the bottom of the tank.
  • Activity Level:
    • They are primarily nocturnal but can be active during the day if the tank is quiet and secure. Expect to see them foraging on the substrate and resting in caves or under driftwood during the day.


Breeding Pleco Papa in captivity can be challenging but is possible in the right conditions:

  1. Breeding Setup:
    • A separate breeding tank (30–40 gallons) with well-maintained water conditions (soft, slightly acidic water) and plenty of hiding spaces is recommended.
    • Provide flat surfaces, such as smooth stones or ceramic caves, where the female can lay eggs.
  2. Spawning Behavior:
    • The male will guard the eggs and protect the fry once they hatch.
  3. Egg Care:
    • The eggs will hatch within 3–5 days, and the fry will remain in the cave for 1–2 weeks, feeding off their yolk sacs before becoming free-swimming.
  4. Fry Care:
    • Feed the fry finely crushed algae wafers or liquid fry food once they are free-swimming.

Common Challenges

  1. Water Quality:
    • Like other plecos, Pleco Papa is sensitive to poor water quality. Regular water changes and maintaining optimal water parameters are essential for its health.
  2. Barbel Damage:
    • The barbels are sensitive, and rough substrates can cause injury. Always use fine sand or smooth gravel to prevent damage.
  3. Overfeeding:
    • Overfeeding can result in water quality problems. Make sure to remove any uneaten food from the tank to prevent decay.
  4. Territorial Behavior:
    • While generally peaceful, Pleco Papa may become territorial, especially if space is limited. Ensure the tank is large enough for each fish to have its own space, and provide multiple hiding spots.

Interesting Facts

  • Pleco Papa (LDA 065 / L203) is well-known for its attractive coloration, with a mix of bold black and white stripes, making it a sought-after pleco species for aquariums.
  • These plecos are excellent at keeping algae under control but need a varied diet to remain healthy.
  • The species’ natural habitat in fast-moving rivers with high oxygen levels is one of the reasons why they appreciate moderate to strong water flow in the aquarium.
  • Pleco Papa is a hardy species that can adapt to a range of water conditions, making it suitable for experienced aquarists. However, due to its size and territorial nature, it’s better suited for larger tanks.

Care Summary

Aspect Details
Tank Size Minimum 30 gallons; 40+ gallons for groups
Water Parameters pH 6.5–7.5, 74–80°F, soft water
Diet Herbivorous: algae wafers, live/frozen foods, vegetables
Temperament Peaceful but territorial, solitary at times
Lifespan 10+ years

The Pleco Papa (LDA 065 / L203) is a stunning, peaceful, and hardy species that can live for many years with proper care. By providing the correct tank setup, maintaining water quality, and offering a varied diet, this beautiful pleco will thrive and bring both utility and aesthetics to your aquarium.