Heros efasciatus ( M ) 4.5″-5.5″
Heros efasciatus, commonly known as the Severum Cichlid or simply Severum, is a popular freshwater fish from the Cichlidae family. Native to the slow-moving rivers and floodplains of the Amazon basin in South America, this species is known for its relatively peaceful temperament (for a cichlid), vibrant colors, and hardiness, making it a favorite among aquarists. Severums come in several color morphs, including green, gold, and turquoise, and they can be a centerpiece in a well-planted or South American biotope tank.
- Size: Heros efasciatus can reach a size of 20-25 cm (8-10 inches) in captivity.
- Coloration: The natural form of Severum is green with subtle vertical bands or stripes across the body. Depending on the morph, they can display a variety of colors, including gold (where the body is a bright yellow or orange) and turquoise (which features more blue and green hues). Younger fish often show more pronounced stripes that may fade with age.
- Body Shape: Severums have a rounded, laterally compressed body and a slightly sloping forehead. They have large, rounded dorsal and anal fins, contributing to their imposing yet elegant appearance.
- Temperament: Severum cichlids are relatively peaceful for their size but can become territorial, especially during breeding. They are best kept with other medium to large, semi-aggressive fish or peaceful cichlids. While generally not aggressive, they can assert dominance in smaller spaces.
- Activity: They are active swimmers and explore various levels of the tank, though they often prefer staying near cover, such as plants or rocks. They are diurnal, so they are most active during the day.
Habitat and Tank Requirements:
- Tank Size: Given their size and activity level, a minimum tank size of 55 gallons is recommended for a single Severum, while a larger tank of 75-100 gallons or more is needed if keeping them in a community setup.
- Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 24-28°C (75-82°F)
- pH: 6.0-7.5 (slightly acidic to neutral)
- Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water
- Substrate: Severums prefer a soft, sandy or fine gravel substrate. They occasionally dig in the substrate, so avoid sharp gravel.
- Décor: The tank should have plenty of hiding places created with driftwood, rocks, and plants. Severums appreciate planted aquariums, although they may occasionally nibble on plants. Hardy plants like Java Fern, Anubias, and Amazon Swords are good choices. They also enjoy open swimming spaces.
- Filtration: Strong filtration is essential, as Severums produce a fair amount of waste. Regular water changes are needed to maintain water quality.
Heros efasciatus is omnivorous, with a diet that includes both plant matter and proteins.
- Staple Foods: A balanced diet should include high-quality cichlid pellets or flakes.
- Vegetables: They enjoy blanched vegetables like spinach, peas, and zucchini.
- Live/Frozen Foods: Offer protein-rich foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and earthworms as treats. These should be fed sparingly to avoid excessive fat buildup.
- Supplement: Occasionally include spirulina or algae wafers to maintain good health and color.
Breeding Heros efasciatus in captivity is possible and can be quite rewarding.
- Spawning Behavior: Severums are open spawners. During the breeding season, the pair will clean a flat surface (like a rock or piece of wood) where the female will lay eggs. The pair is highly protective of their eggs and fry.
- Parental Care: Both parents take turns guarding the eggs, which typically hatch within 3-5 days. The fry are free-swimming about a week after hatching, at which point they can be fed newly hatched brine shrimp or finely crushed flake food.
- Breeding Conditions: To induce spawning, the water should be kept at the higher end of their temperature range, around 27-28°C (80-82°F), with slightly softer and more acidic water.
Special Considerations:
- Territoriality: While generally peaceful, Severums can become territorial, especially when breeding. Provide ample hiding spots and ensure enough space if housing with other large cichlids.
- Compatibility: Severums do well in community tanks with other medium to large, semi-aggressive fish. Suitable tank mates include Angelfish, Geophagus species, Festivum, larger tetras, and peaceful catfish like Plecos or Corydoras.
- Water Quality: They are sensitive to poor water conditions, so regular water changes (20-30% weekly) are necessary to maintain their health.
Severums are a great choice for aquarists looking for a large, beautiful, and relatively peaceful cichlid. Their impressive size, vibrant colors, and ease of care make them an excellent addition to large, well-maintained aquariums.